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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Let Go and Let God... (A Life’s Lesson)

Mostly people have issues in their life that makes them feel unworthy. Some people put on negative vibes instead of thinking positive result or outcome to the catastrophes that they are facing each day of their lives. Life is valuable, it is precious and defines our existense to the world. Every human being should value life as life is a journey and its is about choices too. So LET GO of the things that hurts you and LET GOD do the rest....

Let go of others who define you. It is our book and our story don’t let anyone hold the pen. There are times that people becomes judgemental and criticize us in every way and somehow we got affected in some ways. The real world had never been fair lets face the fact that there are rich and poor, big and small, ugly and pretty, bad and kind everything has it opposing sides of the story. Our life is our own story to make and not for others to manipulate. If we let others to define us, then we give them the power to dictate us which is absurd. In the reality you will be nothing if you let someone or something define your worth. All self made billionaires and highly intellectual beings were nothing at one point but they never let anybody else to define their worth. If you will break an egg from the outside its nothing and loses it’s life force, but if it is broken with force from within it creates a precious life. Outside world may define you as a broken shell full of judgement and criticism, but our inner strength can grant us a beautiful life ahead full of love, hope, promises and vitality. 

Note to self:

“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth”

Let go of Comparing your Chapter 1 to someone’s Chapter 10. Live life happily and accept your journey. Stop comparing yourself to what others has. Everyone plays life cards differently, your journey will never be exactly the same as hers and vice versa. Be your own cheer leader and stop comparing instead focus on how you can become the very best version of yourself. Even you have everything and you are very successful it doesn’t define your self worth, being positive is the catalyst for survival in life. Appreciating where you are in life is contentment and the real key to being happy is that you are able to see the glass half full. So stop comparing and learn how to please yourself because you are the author of your own story and set a rewarding yet realistic and attainable goals.

Note to self:

“Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud.”

-Shannon Adler

Let go of the people who don’t value you. Time can hold on people together but it doesn’t mean that you know someone longer you stay longer together. Longevity of time together is not the measurement of forever. Sometimes people stays with you for a reason but doesn’t mean that he/she value you as a person. Time can tie people together but if you feel there’s nothing substantial to keeps you connected, time is not strong enough reason to hold on something which is no longer worth to hold onto. Fear is also one reason why we can’t move on. Fear of being alone and not to be able to find someone else because of the person we used to be with gave us comfortability and became our comfort zone. Sometimes things are better left as good memories beacause we are destined to meet people along our journey that will bring us happiness, pain, sorrow and joy. Find someone who acknowledges everything you have done and will do. Don’t waste your time on anything less. Learn how to let go and trust that maybe life has better plans for you. Go with the flow and not against it. Why hold on to something good when life wants you to have something better?

Note to self:

“Be like the forces of nature: when it blows, there is only wind; when it rains, there is only rain; when the clouds pass, the sun shines through.” 
-Lao Tzu

Let go of toxic people. Letting go of toxic people doesn’t make you mean rather it makes you smart. It only means that you understand how life is and getting matured enough to live in this crazy world. Some people doesn’t allow you to grow instead they feel bad when you moves forward. If you have someone that hinders your growth as an individual then you will not succeed. Remember it is just okay to be in different pages but it is not okay when they make you feel bad about moving forward. Letting go of this type of person is such a relief. Toxic people are those who are unmotivated, uninspiring, hold limiting plus fear based beliefs, drain your energy and discourage you, don’t push themselves to greatness, they get to your head and weigh heavily on your heart. If you find someone impeding your own happiness then it’s time to let them go because they are called “TOXIC” people that only gives havoc in your life. Toxic people can be your friends, colleagues or even families who tries to control your life. They always take but never give. Letting them go doesn’t mean that you don’t love them anymore, it is just giving space and putting yourself first before them and valuing your needs and well being. We have to be resilient and just keep a distance on them before it’s too late.

Note to self:

“You create more space in your life when you turn your excess baggage to garbage.”

Let go of guilt and regrets. In reality regret is a fact of life as well as guilt. Doing mistakes is natural because if we don’t we are not human. Nobody is perfect in this world. One mistake is equivalent to a learning and realization. Sometime emotions over rule thinking and thinking over rule your guts. We cannot perfectly make a decision everytime, it is not optimal to always make a perfect decisions because we are humans we make mistakes. Don’t pressure yourself when you fail sometimes instead give yourself a break and meditate. Failure doesn’t mean that you lose but it is only the start of the game for you to win. We can never return back the times or rewrite again a history. Remember that we cannot always win, sometimes we need to lose to make things better. If you feel guilty or feel regrets let it out, cry out loud and release the negativity inside to make yourself unloaded. Get yourself involved at the present  because our mind can’t focus on two things at once. Focus at present and forget about the past. It is just like when you are driving, don’t let your eyes look on behind you will eventually crash. Take the steps to take your eyes on the road and focus on where you are going.

Note to self:

“Whatever has happened to you in your past has no power over this present moment, because life is now.” 
-Oprah Winfrey

Let go of your Pride. Never let pride be your guide because it is the root of sin. It is not always selfishness that counts but its harmony and humility. We need to be true to ourselves and accept who we really are and not to be somebody else that we are not. Swallowing your useless pride is better than losing a person you love. Saying “sorry” seems to be the hardest word but if you say it leaving your useless pride is like lifting all the heavy loads in your heart. Facing problems instead of running out of it, do not take your emotion burst out on your capability to think. We need to be honest to ourselves if we cannot do something its okay to ask for help, if we have problems its fine to talk about it, if you did wrong say sorry, if you lose accept, if you win just be happy but don’t boast. We dont need to pretend to be a person that we are not just because to show off. If you are poor nothing is wrong with it as long as your not doing anything that harms other people, just be yourself. If you are rich don’t boast instead just be happy that you can buy everything. Pride itself is not a bad thing, it can be also useful in maintaining standards althoug it is one of the seven deadly sin if not use properly.

Note to self:

“The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.”

Let go of Insecurities, Possessiveness and Judgment.   Insecurity means uncertainty or lack of self confidence. When people are insecure to someone they tend to be anxious and it leads to unhappiness because they think that somebody is better than them. Insecure people used to look for something that other people had and they want it to happen to them as well. They are not contented on what they have and still want to have more than what others has. Although quite insecure is normal feeling but chronic one can sabotage your success in life if you don’t prevent it. Let your insecurity motivates you and your self esteem, think of the things that you are more capable of doing when you feel insecure. Make it as a challenge to yourself to gain strength and not ruin your happiness. 
Being possesive is a behavior while jealousy is just a feeling.  When someone became jealous it can lead to possessiveness which can be also a sign of insecurity. Let go of this behavior by learning to give trust and have an open communication always.
Judgment signifies a lack of self acceptance, because you are at war to yourself. It is a form of punishment or somehow a form of discrimination. When you judge a person there is no difference on putting a person on jail because you trap their emotions. Opinions are different form judgment because opinionated people are expressing only their feeling to a situation while judgmental people are giving more than opinions and tend to be trouble maker. Learning to accept and respect the opinion of others without judging them is a sign of a happy life.

Note to self:

“When someone judges you, it isn’t actually about you. Its about them and their own insecurities, limitations and needs.”

Let go of the Fear of Failure. To take risks to find opportunity is healthy. Mostly people want to succeed but they are afraid to fail. Remember that nobody is created by God perfectly. We should be open to failures and criticism as well. A failure is not a sign that you are weak, it is just a test of how strong you are to accept it and try again. People who doesn’t experience failure are over confident somehow once they fail it is very hard for them to handle it and they become depress. Even a greatest scientist do a lot of experiments before they come up to the best result. It is a matter of trying despite of unsuccessful events and keep on trying to gain the best result. It is always a matter of chances, you will never know what you can achieve if you don’t try and give it a chance again and again.

Note to self:

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.”
-Winston Churchill

Let go of your Comfort Zone. The only constant in life is change. While you are comfortable on doing your routines everyday as a sense of stability and security, there are times that you need to let go of them. I know its quite hard to change something that you are used to do, but it is harder when you keep on doing things each day which doesn’t give you the power to move forward. Sometime we want to achieve something but we are afraid to leave our comfort zones. Don’t be just contained in a small world because the globe is rotating on its axis. Its okay to welcome our comfort zone at home but don’t let it serve as a prison. To grow as a person we need to see the outside world and deal with it. Let’s give ourself a chance to achieve more because we are flexible and free to accept changes whole heartedly. Trying new things can make us more creative, to challenge ourself is to help us bring the greatest performance, to take risks help us grow, embracing challenges can help us age better but do not push yourself too far because eveything in life has limits.

Note to self:

“In an increasingly competitive, cautious and accelerated world, those who are willing to take risks, step out of their comfort zone and into the discomfort of uncertainty will be those who will reap the biggest rewards,”
-Margie Warell

Being able to let go of something is the art of learning. It requires strong sense of self that gives us the ability to learn and grow from our experiences. We are giving ourself a sense of importance to create something better while removing all those negative facts that holds us back. This is the time we realized that we are not what other people say we are, instead we are the person who we really wants to become.  

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become”
- Carl Jung

Maerz 😊

Friday, August 10, 2018

Registered Nurse by Profession... Dental Nurse in Action

I am a Dental Nurse and I am proud! I am a nurse by profession, I don’t even know anything on dentistry but learning is a virtue. I learned how to assist and do the job as an accomplice of my dentist across the full range of treatment provision. To be one of us you will need an excellent communication skills, a caring nature and be highly organised. Being a Dental Nurse you should be friendly, approachable, reliable, calm and be flexible enough to respond with unexpected situations as they arise. It is not as easy as you may know, a lot of guts are needed and patience during working period. Being knowledgeable is not enough, you must be skillful in action and works with strategies.

My work is like a light cure, once I point the light to the material it will be stronger and harder. I started from scratched, without knowledge on dentistry is like seeing a blank page of a book. I just learned from observing and with the help of other colleagues and free lectures which lightened up my knowledge on the job. Through exposure and experience which helps me a lot to know more about my job. To the dentist who are very strict and wants me to focus only while at work, who is very toxic and meticulous helps me how to be strong and take everyday as a challenge to pursue. If you quit, then you lose!

My work can be compared to a composite filling it is white, physically natural, just like how I naturally overcome each day of duty. No leakage, because it needs to be avoided and fixed. A good strategy at work make things simple and without complications. Everyday is like a filling that needs to be perfectly done.

My work is like an alginate at first in powder form once you mix in with water the consistency will change and immediately hardened, so be quick or else you will be thrown. Working as fast as I can with good quality is my goal. Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bounded to minimize and prevent patient from waiting and complaining because patient is the center of my job.

The work of a dental nurse can be compared to burs, many kinds, many forms and many uses but each has its own characteristics and uses. I can go deep or just on the surface. As a dental nurse I can work like burs of different types. I can endure stress and attain more patience, for the patient is the center of my job. I should know my patient’s rights but also know my rights as a medical worker. Like drillings to remove the decays of your tooth, I drilled every challenging day facing every moments of our patient’s visits and help them overcome their fear while sitting on the dental chair.

Occlusal, palatal, mesial and distal any surface of your tooth can be treated by the dentist, but as a dental nurse we work with our dentist at any surfaces throughout the day. To work in multitasking mode is our assets. To work side by side with the receptionist and assure that our patient has given the right appointments and correct payments, to communicate with the call center to ensure that they booked us the right patient, to send approvals by the insurances, to ensure that clinics are well prepared for the patient and all the materials needed are complete and to assist our dentist all throughout each treatments. It is stressful but a job well done at the end of the day.

As a scaler tip do the job to clean up in between your gums, removes plaques and tartar and make your gums healthy. My job is to maintain that all the surfaces of my clinic are clean and properly disinfected. I see to it that my patient will be safe and free from bacteria as they enter inside the clinic and sits on the dental chair. Though sometimes even how we maintain the cleanliness patient still become sensitive and look for your  flaws, just like after scaling was done when the enamel becomes thin which causes teeth hypersensitivity. When this happens the teeth are more vulnerable to decays and bacteria, however the errosion cannot be blame to dental scaling itself. Same as with our work we cannot blame the dental nurses if they show sensitivity sometimes because we don’t know what happen inside the clinic so don’t make judgment of their work or make your fingers pointed with them we’ll never know.

A patient who suffered from severe tooth pain goes to the clinic and as a result of the xray root canal needs to be done to ease the pain. As the dentist do everything to save one’s tooth not to extract it but gives hope to it. Just like our job we suffer from tiredness, hunger sometimes because our focus is work and we can never leave a patient alone. Never say no to walk ins as well. Sufferings are just temporary but the fullfillment at work is forever.

A crown wether e-max or zirconia, neither of the two the only important is saving each tooth and helps it become stronger after the root canal treatment was done. Either functional or only aesthetically as long as you show the world a big smile and be proud. This is how our job goes. A dental nurse to save the day, to be strong is our attitude. The dentist saves the patient’s teeth and help them gain the beautiful smile indeed. We, as their assistant even though how stressful each multitasking day will be; at the end of the day we are proud to say “THANKS GOD WE SURVIVED, AND WE WILL SURVIVE.”

“A job well done is a great fullfillment, learning from mistakes is essential than doing mistakes without learning at all”


Mae Chricelle
RN by profession
Dental Nurse in action

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