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Monday, May 21, 2018

The Leader in You

“Your value does not decrease for someone’s inability to see your worth”

   Every person has distinct personality and this is how we are created by God. You cannot be me and who I am cannot be the same as who you are. We are made by the image of God (Genesis 1:26) which is sets apart from animals, we are created as a rational, volitional agent. In other words as a human being we can reason and choose. This is a reflection of God’s intellect and freedom. 

     Life is too short for anything else. A person doesn’t need to be extravagant just to show others that he/she is capable. If someone valued you as a person, they can see your talent, hardwork and loyalty no need to show it. If they do not see the real value of you maybe its time to take a brand new start and go to where you are celebrated and not just tolerated.

     A leader who do not see the value of an employees do not last, anyways. A true leader can see an employees talent and hard work because it is their job to recognize the value of their people and encourage them accordingly with PRIDE.

     A good leader knows how to PROMOTE an employee where in he can  see the progress not only the mistakes. A good leader knows how to give REWARD. It is a give and take situation when you do good you will be rewarded because he can give recognition to the good service and achievemnent you’ve made. A good leader will encourage an employee to get INVOLVE or participate in an activity or situation where you can learn more and not for his selfish gains only. A good leader know how to DEFEND his subordinates and not to put them always at risk just for his own certainty. A good leader always EMPOWER his people to make them stronger and for them to gain more self esteem in claiming their rights. A person who always threaten and puts you down is not suitable to be a leader.

     Integrity is a by far most important asset of being a leader. It is doing the right thing at the right time with or without anybody is watching is an asset of a great leader. Most people quit their jobs because of a deal-breaking behavior possessed by their superior:
  • To make oneself look better at the expense of others, he/she represent it as his/her own accomplishment.
  • Maligning, defaming, vilifying or badmouthing others just to make financial and position advancement.
  • Credit taking for someone else’s work and effort.
  • Damaging someone’s reputation by spreading false rumors.
  • Claiming that he/she can do all the works and responsibility even its not her job pretending he/she can do it all. (Showing off)
  • Lie of omission where in telling a lie just to cover up wrongdoings.
“Honesty is a very expensive gift – don’t expect it from cheap leaders” By Warren Buffet

     Just like a mirror, what you see is what you are. If you want to see fault to others it is very easy for you to notice and points on their mistakes and wrongdoings, just like mirroring of your insecurities. It is just a plain ego, your attitude to be perfectionist and stating that you are better than anyone else. It is very pessimistic to always look on the negative side of others, you are just making yourself deppressed. Why not look on the positive aspects to see the brighter colors of life.

    If you are a leader, be curious about people. A simple human curiosity will help you know other people better. Instead of thinking if others did something right or wrong just think about why they did it. Leaders should be aware and look after the larger meaning of life, yes it is very easy to find faults with people but the question is as simply as this- if you want to find the beauty of life, appreciate and look at something good in every person you will meet. If you want to live a miserable life then go ahead and be a perfectionist. The choice is simply yours!

  • If he sees mistake, I see a lesson and learned,
  • If he sees a shadow, I see the light and spreadt it
  • If he sees the sun, I see the whole universe
  • If he sees the youth, I see the brighter future ahead.
  • If he sees success, I see a journey.
  • If he sees me as nothing but stranger, I see him as something like my future friend.

“If you want to see the true measure of man, watch how he treats his employees, not his equals.” By J.K Rowling


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